Well it has been a hectic month since our return to Alberta. I have not had much (or any) free time to make cards. I have high hopes for January. Meanwhile, I thought I would share with you some of what has been filling my hours.
First I wanted to share a photo of the view from my kitchen window most mornings. Is this not truly inspiring - God is good.
Notice I even made shoes, a crown and a necklace. Sleeping Beauty and Tinkerbell must also be properly accessorized. Might I just add that 'Hailey' looks a little demented in her close up photo - look out Chucky!
I did not take any pictures of the Barbie doll clothes. You will just have to imagine 5 gowns, 3 cocktail dress, 4 casual dresses 2 pairs of jeans, a 'leather' jacket and skirt, 4 other skirts,a fleece suit, 8 tops.......
I will finish this

I want to take this time to wish you all a wonderful Christmas filled with love and laughter, family and joy, peace and contentment. To quote a popular song of the season, "This is my grown up Christmas wish". May you all get what your heart truly desires in the New Year. See you in January.